Here you will find information on finding work on Outback Stations and Farms around Queensland, most Outback Stations are mainly Sheep and Cattle Stations an dthen you have the farms that do Wheat and Barley that are closer to the major cities and towns.
Outback Stations and Farm work will go towards your 2nd year visa whether its paid or voluntary. Don`t forget to look on Workstays Jobs board these jobs do come up all the time but be quick.
Casual Jobs in Sydney and New South Wales
Casual Jobs in Melbourne and Victoria
Casual Jobs in Perth and Western Australia
Casual Jobs in Darwin and the Northern Territory
Casual Jobs in Hobart Tasmania
Casual Jobs in Brisbane and Queensland
Casual Jobs in Adelaide South Australia
Types of work you may be able to apply for on an Outback Station to get your 2nd year visa is quite varied for instance.
Type of work you maybe able to apply for could be.
As you can see there are all types of work to be done on a working Outback Station, there are also Outback Stations that are set up for the tourism market also so the hospitality sector is quite good and worth checking out, a lot of these jobs are done through recruitment agencies also. Lists of Recruitment Agencies
Another way of experiencing an Australian Outback Stations or farm is on a Farm Familirisation program. If you just want to experience life on an Outback Station or Farm you can do just that with a few different option through companies that have Farm Familiarisation programs, (their are fees attached) these programs give you the basic tools on working on an Outback station and include activities like:
With this experience under your belt, you should be able to work you way around Australia and have some great experiences and get to meet the locals. If you wish to get more information on these type of companies please email us at Contact Farm Familiarisation courses
If you just want to go it alone and try you hand at getting a job at working on an Outback Cattle of Sheep Station then try our list of Outback Farms in NSW, we have put togther a list of Outback Station and farms around each State of Australia they will help point you in the right direction and save you some money all you have to do is the leg work.
Need a visa for Australia
WHV's can ONLY be applied for; before arriving in Australia. Working Holiday Visa's* can only be granted before you arrive in Australia. For
details about applying visit Australia's official website here ( or visit a Travel Agent or an Australian Embassy or Consulate
in the country you are in.
If your monthly wage is more than $A450, your employer must contribute an additional sum equal to 9.5% of your wage into a superannuation (pension) account for you. If you entered Australia on an eligible temporary resident visa you can, in most cases, access your contributions when you leave Australia, although the contributions will be taxed.
Latest news on jobs and travel around Australia
If you have any news regarding backpacker jobs around Australia please drop us a line and we will share it with fellow travellers. Happy travelling!!!!
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