If you have a valid Working Holiday or Student Work Visa, Tax File Number and at least 3 weeks availability (Workstay recommends at least 3 weeks or ideally more) and are reasonably fit (bending, climbing ladders, long hours standing, all weather) then you will probably consider doing some kind of horticulture work during your Australian travels. An average horticulture working week would consist of between 40 to 48 hours (Remember: Horticulture work can be subject to change without notice). The average hourly rate of pay for Horticulture work is currently between $15 and $20 per hour. Many fruit picking jobs are paid at piece rates - also called "contract" - which allows you to make better than the average hourly rate once you've got your speed up.
Seasonal horticulture work attracts a Tax rate of 13% if you tick the Resident box on your Tax File Number Declaration Form. If you complete 3 months horticulture work in a regional area i.e. outside a capital city, you will be eligible to apply for a 12 month extension to your working holiday visa.
Please Note: Due to a high demand of inquiries from backpackers and working holiday visa holders, we have decide to put together a list of fruit growers around each state where you can contact them directly so you can find work in the fruit picking industry. Please check the seasons below also for the best places to start looking for jobs in these industries.
Albany |
Seasons | High season |
LOCATION | Job Options |
Aquaculture Grainhandling Grape Picking Grape Pruning Meat Processing Olive Picking Olive Pruning Salmon fishing Strawberry |
Medium requirement for labour All Year Medium requirement for labour All Year March-April June-September Medium requirement for labour All Year May-June July-August Feburary October-May |
No High season No High season March-April July-August No High Season No High Season No High season No High Season Nov-Feb |
South West of WA Email - Workstay |
Broome | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Melon | October-November | Greater West of WA Email - Workstay |
Carnarvon | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Banana Capsicum Cucumber Eggplant Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning Line Fishing Mango Net Fishing Rockmelon Tomato Watermelon Zucchini |
High requirement for labour All Year May-December May-November May-November August-December May-July Medium requirement for labour All Year January-March April-September November-April May-December November-April May-October |
All Year May-Dec June-Nov June-Sept Aug-Sept June-July May-July Jan-Feburary April-August Nov-March May-December Nov-March Jun-Sept |
Greater West of WA Email - Workstay |
Denmark | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Blue Berries Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning |
December-March Feburary-March June-Sept |
No High Season No High Season July-August |
South West of WA Email- Workstay |
Donnybrook | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Apple - Picking Apple - Pruning Apple - Thinning Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning Pear - Picking Stone Fruit - Picking Stone Fruit - Thinning Tomato - Picking |
Febuary-June June-september November-December January-April June-September Feburary-April December-March November-December Feburary-April |
No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season Dec-March No High Season No High Season |
South West of WA Email- Workstay |
Frankland | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning Olive - Picking Olive - Pruning |
Feburary-April June-September May-June July-August |
No High Season July-August No High Season No High Season |
South West of WA Email- Workstay |
GinGin | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Citrus - Pack/Picking Citrus - Pruning Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning Olive - Pruning Stone Fruit - Pack/Picking Tree Planting Vegetable - Picking |
Medium requirement for labour All Year June-July January-Feburary June-August July-September November-January December-January Medium requirement for labour All Year |
No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season |
North of Perth Email- Workstay |
Kununurra | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Citrus Corn Mango Melon Pumpkin Tree Planting |
January-March June-September October-December May-November May-November March -September |
Feburary-March June-July Oct-Nov May-Sept May-Sept March-July |
Far North of WA Email- Workstay |
Manjimup | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Apple Pear |
Feburary-May Feburary-May |
March-April March-April |
South West of WA Email- Workstay |
Margaret River | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning |
January-March June-August |
Jan-March No High Season |
South of Perth Email- Workstay |
Mount Barker | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Cherry Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning Strawberry Tree Harvesting Nurseries |
November-January March-April June-August October-May Medium requirement for labour All Year Medium requirement for labour All Year |
No High Season No High Season July-August Nov-Feb No High Season No High Season |
South West of WA Email- Workstay |
Narrogin | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Broad Acre Cropping Hay Mowing/Bailing Meat Processing Tree Harvesting Nurseries Wheat Handling Grain Harvest |
April-June October-January Medium requirement for labour All Year Medium requirement for labour All Year Medium requirement for labour All Year October-January October-January |
No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season No High Season |
South West of WA Email- Workstay |
Swan Valley | Seasons |
High season |
Job Options |
Grape - Picking Grape - Pruning |
January-April June-September |
Jan-Feb July-August |
Perth Region Email- Workstay |
Donnybrook is a 2 hour drive south of Perth and 30K's inland from Bunbury.
There is a TransWA train/bus service to Donnybrook via Bunbury every day from Perth.
Home of the Granny Smith, Pink Lady Apples. Also has stone fruit, vineyards, tree planting. Seasonal work available from October to May
Very nice, picturesque area. Town has 2 pubs, 7 day supermarket
chemist, bakery etc ... and a working Hostel in town.
Is one hour south of Donnybrook and is the gateway to the Karri Forrest. Manjimip has a large variety of fruit & vegetable crops as well as some vineyards. Some seasonal work available all year. Peak season from October through June has a Pub, 7-day supermarket and a working Hostel in Town.
Workstay is about "real" working holiday experiences and for the right people
working on a wheat & sheep farm or cattle station is not only a unique Workstay but also a unique Working Holiday Experience.
Broome has a very high turnover of travellers looking for work between April and October. Employers are really only interested in those looking to work for a minimum of 3 months (though the type of work available will in most cases not qualify for a Visa extension). Accommodation can be the big problem as it is in short supply and expensive. Hospitality and tourism is the biggest employer followed by ad hoc labouring type work. The horticulture industry (fruit-picking) is almost non-existent. The pearling industry does have some work available from April/May through to Sept/October. To find work in and around the Broome region is very much a case of knock knock knocking on doors and being in the right place at the right time. Check with Workstay
More about Jobs in Broome
Kununurra is a big horticulture area and ideal for travellers looking for a visa extension after 3 month's harvest work.
More about: Jobs in Kununurra
Need a visa for Australia
WHV's can ONLY be applied for; before arriving in Australia. Working Holiday Visa's* can only be granted before you arrive in Australia. For
details about applying visit Australia's official website here (www.immi.gov.au) or visit a Travel Agent or an Australian Embassy or Consulate
in the country you are in.
If your monthly wage is more than $A450, your employer must contribute an additional sum equal to 9.5% of your wage into a superannuation (pension) account for you. If you entered Australia on an eligible temporary resident visa you can, in most cases, access your contributions when you leave Australia, although the contributions will be taxed.
Latest news on jobs and travel around Australia
If you have any news regarding backpacker jobs around Australia please drop us a line and we will share it with fellow travellers. Happy travelling!!!!
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