Look for current jobs in Batlow
Seasonal work jobs
Where can I stay in Batlow?
Batlow has a Hotel, a Motel, and a Caravan Park. Even these places may need workers in high season.
Be Prepared
Harvest work is not an easy job and not always the best paid, be prepared to work hard can be very tiring. Care must be taken to protect
yourself from the extremes weather can be very cold or very hot. Make sure you have water and First Aid equipment available every day and
get plenty of rest for each days work.
Tumut Region Visitor Information Centre
Call into the Visitor Information Centre for information on the
Tumut Region & Kosciuszko National Park including the towns of
Adelong, Batlow, Cabramurra, Talbingo and Tumut.
Address: 5 Adelong Road
Tel: 02 6947 7025
Email: tumutrvc@npws.nsw.gov.au
Budget hire companies
Travellers Auto Barn
Van hire
Tel: 1800 674 374
Email: pb@travellers-autobarn.com.au
Website: www.travellers-autobarn.com.au
Wicked Campers
Van Hire
Tel: 1800 246 869
Website: www.wickedcampers.com.au
Usefull resources
Australian Wool Innovation LimitedShearing World
More information try
Need a visa for Australia
WHV's can ONLY be applied for; before arriving in Australia. Working Holiday Visa's* can only be granted before you arrive in Australia. For
details about applying visit Australia's official website here (www.immi.gov.au) or visit a Travel Agent or an Australian Embassy or Consulate
in the country you are in.
If your monthly wage is more than $A450, your employer must contribute an additional sum equal to 9.5% of your wage into a superannuation (pension) account for you. If you entered Australia on an eligible temporary resident visa you can, in most cases, access your contributions when you leave Australia, although the contributions will be taxed.
Latest news on jobs and travel around Australia
If you have any news regarding backpacker jobs around Australia please drop us a line and we will share it with fellow travellers. Happy travelling!!!!
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