Fruit Picking Jobs Australia


Workstay here to help you or at least point you in the right direction to find a job whilst travelling Australia.

Top Fruit Picking Spots in Australia

Finding casual work whilst travelling around Australia is not always easy with numbers increasing each year competition grows to find that elusive job, that you need for a couple of weeks or 3 months. One of the main reasons for not finding a job is research, knowing when and where the Harvest seasons are for fruit picking.

Fruit Picking in Queensland


Queensland is one of the major destinations for most working holiday makers with all its activieties and icons to see working to pay your way is what most young travellers try and do.

Queensland was settled by Europeans in the late 1830s but there were already native people living in mosts parts of Queensland but these people were nomadic and travelled around depending on the seasons.


Queensland`s Major fruit industries:

Major fruit industries: Apples, Pears, Avocados, Bananas, Cherries, Citrus. Grapes, Melons, Pineapples, Stone fruits, Strawberries and many Vegetables, like Potatoes and Tomatoes

Other Industries that need casual workers: Cotton, Flowers, Grain, Fish Farming, Sugar

Click for Jobs in Queensland

Fruit Picking in Western Australia

Fruit Picking WA

WA a Great place to travel and work. Western Australia lies in the southern hemisphere, covering an area of more than 2.5 million square kilometres – that’s about the size of Western Europe and one-third of Australia’s total landmass. Here, you can experience Australia’s sunniest capital city, whitest beach and the largest expanse of the outback, one of the oldest known living cultures on Earth, UNESCO World Heritage reef and rock formations, world-class surf, premium wines, and still have plenty of other reasons to visit.

Click for Jobs in Western Australia

Fruit Picking Victoria

Fruit Picking Victoria

Victoria is Australia's second-smallest state, covering 227,600 square kilometres – roughly the size of the British Isles. A wealth of diverse regions and attractions all packed into this compact area, with sweeping coastlines, pristine beaches and national parks and forests teeming with wildlife, plus wineries, lakes and mountains offering skiing, climbing and hiking. Best of all, many of Victoria's unique and varied landscapes are easily reached as day trips from Melbourne.

Click for Jobs in Victoria

Fruit Picking in South Australia


South Australia one of the major destinations for most working holiday makers with all its activities and icons to see working to pay your way is what most young travellers try and do.

South Australia's major city is Adelaide

South Australias Major fruit industries:

Apples, Pears, Advocados, Bananas, Cherries, Citrus. Grapes, Melons, Pinapples, Stone fruits, Strawberries and many Vegatables, like Potatoes and Tomatoes

Other Industries that need casual workers: Cotton, Flowers, Grain, Fish Farming, Sugar

Click for Jobs in South Australia

Fruit Picking in Tasmania


South Australia one of the major destinations for most working holiday makers with all its activieties and icons to see working to pay your way is what most young travellers try and do.

Tasmania's major city is Hobart

Tasmania`s Major fruit industries:

Major fruit industries: Apples, Pears, Advocados, Bananas, Cherries, Citrus. Grapes, Melons, Pinapples, Stone fruits, Strawberries and many Vegatables, like Potatoes and Tomatoes

Other Industries that need casual workers: Cotton, Flowers, Grain, Fish Farming, Sugar

Click for Jobs in Tasmania

Fruit Picking in The Northern Territory


Northern Territory is one of the major destinations for most working holiday makers with all its activieties and icons to see working to pay your way is what most young travellers try and do.

Northern Territories major city is Darwin

Northern Territories Major fruit industries:

Apples, Pears, Advocados, Bananas, Cherries, Citrus. Grapes, Melons, Pinapples, Stone fruits, Strawberries and many Vegatables, like Potatoes and Tomatoes

Other Industries that need casual workers: Cotton, Flowers, Grain, Fish Farming, Sugar

Click for Jobs in Northern Territory


Need Visa Information

Passport image

Need a visa for Australia
WHV's can ONLY be applied for; before arriving in Australia. Working Holiday Visa's* can only be granted before you arrive in Australia. For details about applying visit Australia's official website here ( or visit a Travel Agent or an Australian Embassy or Consulate in the country you are in.

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Need Superannuation Information

If your monthly wage is more than $A450, your employer must contribute an additional sum equal to 9.5% of your wage into a superannuation (pension) account for you. If you entered Australia on an eligible temporary resident visa you can, in most cases, access your contributions when you leave Australia, although the contributions will be taxed.

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Jobs and Latest News

Apples and Pears Image

Latest news on jobs and travel around Australia

If you have any news regarding backpacker jobs around Australia please drop us a line and we will share it with fellow travellers. Happy travelling!!!!

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